Guest Speakers
Dr. Rosie Curiel Cid , University of Miami
Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias
Dr. Rosie Curiel Cid, is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. She serves as Chief of Cross-Cultural Neuropsychology and Cognitive Neurosciences at the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Aging. Dr. Curiel is also the Leader of the Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Core of the 1Florida Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. As a neuropsychologist with expertise in the assessment of neurodegenerative conditions among older adults at risk for diseases of the aging brain, Dr. Curiel Cid is the Principal Investigator of a longitudinal study funded by the National Institute on Aging entitled: Precision-based Computerized Assessment for the Detection of MCI in Older Adults and is an active Co-investigator on various NIH-funded studies related to aging and cognition.
Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias -Video
Dr. Jeffrey Steel , Vitas Healthcare
Self Awareness in Caregiving
Dr. Steel is the Bereavement Service Manager for Volusia, Flagler, and Putnam counties, Florida for VITAS Healthcare. He provides Psychological/Social and Spiritual education to the VITAS teams and bereavement support training to the company
Self Awareness in Caregiving - Video

Debbie Selsavage
President of Coping with Dementia, LLC
Debbie Selsavage presents Validation Therapy & Purposeful Moments Validation Therapy - Learn to join them on their journey a rewarding technique Debbie will show you.
A Certified Dementia Practitioner, Certified Consultant in Positive Approach Care, Florida Licensed Assisted Living and Memory Care Administrator, author, and speaks at many conferences.
Joe Baldelomar,
Alzheimer's Association
Joe Baldelomar Psy. M; CADDCT, Care and Support Bilingual Program Director from The Alzheimer's Association will discuss Behaviors relating to Alzheimer's and Dementia to understand where it starts in the brain. Joe has an M.A. in Behavioral Psychology and a specialization in Neuropsychology from Boston College, along with a foundation degree in Philosophy and Theology from Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry.
Dr. Jeffrey Steel , Vitas Healthcare
Dr. Steel is the Bereavement Service Manager for Volusia, Flagler, and Putnam counties, Florida for VITAS Healthcare. He provides Psychological/Social and Spiritual education to the VITAS teams and bereavement support training to the company
The overlap of grief and bereavement as it relates to the journey of stages of dementia -Video
Audrey Page, VITAS Healthcare
Audrey Page is a Bereavement Service Coordinator with VITAS Healthcare. Her career with VITAS has spanned 12 years.
The overlap of grief and bereavement as it relates to the journey of stages of dementia -Video
Molly Schroeder, CSW
Molly Schroeder CSW is a Outreach Program Manager from Wisconsin Alzheimer's Institute, UW School of Medicine and Public Health. Molly will present ways to handle dementia related behaviors. This is a meeting to get answers to the most common difficult situations care partners have with their loved ones living with dementia.
While dementia is often thought of as a"memory" disorder, behavioral changes such as agitation, depression,aggression, hallucinations, wandering and many more are nearly universal. One or more behaviors will affect nearly every person with dementia over the course of their illness, causing one of the most difficult, stressful, and costly aspects of care, and often, stress and depression in caregivers. Let's learn the DICE (Describe, Investigate, Create and Evaluate) approach to handling these behaviors.
Management of Behavioral & Psychological Symptoms of Dementia- Video
Lisa Honka, Founder, Senior Living Advisor
Your Key To Senior Living Options was started with one goal in mind: to help find great homes for seniors in The Villages and across Central FL.
Founder Lisa Honka brings a wealth of hands-on expertise. With over 10 years of experience in the Assisted Living industry as the Director of Sales and Marketing and as a community liaison, Lisa realized her passion and dedication would be best utilized in educating families about the resources available to them. But by working for just one community, her effectiveness was limited by not being able to offer truly objective options for each senior’s unique needs. She was thereby inspired to launch Your Key To Senior Living Options.
“I was working with a family in crisis who was looking for assisted living for her mother. I discovered my compassionate approach really helped the daughter handle the complicated issues and emotions of the task ahead of her, and helped their mother feel good about this next chapter in her life. I knew right then that I would launch this business,” Lisa says.
William A. Johnson; BA from the University of Florida Liberal Arts and Science College, JD from the University of Florida College of Law, Florida Bar Board Certified in Elder Law, has a private practice focusing on estate planning, Medicaid planning, long-term care planning, guardianship, incapacity planning, will and trust litigation and probate, he’s a two time winner of the Elder Law Section Member of the Year Award, belongs to the Academy of Florida Elder Law Attorneys, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Space Coast Chapter of the Florida State Guardianship Association, and past President of the Brevard Association of Human Services, as well as the past Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation.
Elder Law Presentation Video
Liz White Audiologist; BA from the University of Florida, Doctor of Audiology from the University of Louisville, has a private practice, worked with ENT’s, school systems, VA hospital, and hearing device manufacturers.
Hearing Loss and Memory Loss - Video
Jennifer Paranhos; Licensed Clinical Social Worker, works with the Florida Institute of Technology Psychology Doctoral Program, Health First Hospice, Health First Ethics Committee and the National Association for Social Workers to topics covering dementia and meaningful interactions using music and creative activities, dementia and decision making and the ethical dilemmas involved, she has partnered with the University of Central Florida School of Social Work as a Field Instructor for Bachelor's and Master's level students.
Jen Paranhos Health First Preparing for the Holidays - Video
Dan Cohen; BS from Hofstra University, Master's in Social Work from Adelphi University and Masters in Professional Studies from Long Island University, Founder and CEO of Right to Music, Founded Music and Memory Organization, his work won the 2014 Sundance Award for Documentary of Alive Inside, has had TV appearances on CBS, ABC and has been featured in Alzheimer’s News Today.
Alexa Marsellos; BA in Music Education from Florida International University, Master's in Music Therapy from University of Miami, Board-Certified Music Therapist, Vocalist, Voice Coach and Music Director, has clinical experience in behavioral/ mental health, in patient neurorehabilitation, and hospice/palliative care and early intervention/early childhood education.
Deidra Shubert; BA in Psychology from University of Central Florida, Master's in Applied Behavior Analysis and Organizational Behavior Management from Florida Tech, Director of Education and Outreach for the Brevard Alzheimer’s Foundation, conducts training sessions on a variety of subject matters relating to dementia.
Rev. Traci Lind; Retired Episcopal Priest and City Planner, has a BA in Urban Studies from The Honors College at the University of Toledo, a Maters in Community Planning from the University of Cincinnati and a Master's of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary in New York, she won awards including Cleveland State University’s Leadership Award, YMCA Woman of Achievement and the Human Rights Campaign Equality Award, she is an author and a speaker.
Chaplain Woody Morrison; holds a BA in Religious Studies from Berea College and a Masters in Pastoral Care from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville KY. He has been a Chaplain in hospitals and hospice facilities.
The Role of A Champlain - Audio
Pat DeAngelis; Registered Nurse with 60+ years specializing in geriatric cognitive impairment. BA in Clinical Nutrition with a license as a nutritional counselor. She’s a case Manager, provides educational workshops with Health First Memory Disorder Clinic and provides service to the Florida Office of Elder Affairs.
Pat DeAngelis - Nutrition - Video
Rosemary Laird MD ; Georgetown University School of Medicine, University of Kansas Graduate School of Business Master's of Health Services Administration, Board-Certified Geriatrician winning the 2013 American Geriatric Society Clinician of the Year Award, Honored by the Florida Office of Elder Affairs, and author of books including Take Your Oxygen First.
Barbara Fradkin; Director of One Senior Place
BA Carroll University in Social Work, 35 years’ experience in the Healthcare field with knowledge in Skilled Nursing, Certification in Mental Health with older adults from University of Wisconsin, Aging Life Care Professional, and certified to act as a guide and advocate for older adults and disabled adults.